SaddleBrooke Ranch Men’s Golf Association Board Meeting
Ranch House Boardroom
Present: Richard Osterlund – President
Tom Graham – Vice President
Mike Tomaso – Treasurer
Jeff Pharr – Secretary
Mick Borm – Weekly Events
Jim Heywood – Rules & Handicap
Frank Hugus – Communications
Eric Taylor – Membership
Rick Knapp – Community Outreach
Not Present: Harley Schlachter – Special Events
Guest: Mike Jahaske
Richard called the meeting to order at 2:30 pm
Reading of the Minutes and Approval
Richard asked if anyone needed the minutes read from the last Board meeting. Tom Graham made a motion to accept the minutes and Mike Tomaso seconded the motion. The Board unanimously approved the minutes.
Richard welcomed the new Board members. He said we still may conduct some meetings via Zoom depending on Covid. He discussed using Golf Genius for sending emails to the membership. Anything that needs to be posted to the SBR MGA website should be sent to Bill Moore. He also encouraged talking up the use of the website with the membership.
There was discussion on the removal of the rules of 75 & 90. They are no longer needed with the ability for everyone to pick what tees they want to play from in the Thursday events. Tom Graham made a motion to remove the rules of 75 & 90 and Rick Knapp seconded the motion. The Board approved the motion.
There was also discussion on the MGA paying the entry fee for the Thursday event on the third Thursday of the month. This would be done to encourage participation. Mick made a motion for the MGA to pay the entry fee for the third Thursday of each month for the foreseeable future. The motion was seconded by Mike & the Board approved the motion.
Tom welcomed the new members. He stated that we are not only for the benefit of our members, but for the community as a whole. He offered his assistance to any other Board member that may need some help.
He will be doing the MGA shirts again this year.
Jeff discussed the purchase of a championship belt that would be given to the club champion and passed down from year to year. This would be in addition to the trophy the winner receives. Tom made a motion for the MGA to purchase the belt. Frank seconded the motion & the Board approved the motion.
Mike presented a 2020 & 2021 financial update.
He also reviewed the IRS 501(c7) regulations.
He then presented & reviewed the 2021 budget. Tom made a motion to accept the minutes and Frank seconded the motion. The Board unanimously approved the budget.
Mick reported that we had a record number of participants in today’s Thursday event.
He also said that the SaddleBrooke MGA has expressed an interest in having some competitions between the clubs. Richard said that an event had been set up between SaddleBrooke HOA I, HOA II, The Views, & SaddleBrooke Ranch for last year. This had to be postponed due to covid, but will be rescheduled when possible. The consensus was that the competitions would be welcome. They would fall under Harley as a special event.
Frank reported he will be working on getting more articles in the SaddleBrooke Ranch Roundup newspaper. In addition, he may be sending out some newsletters using Golf Genius.
Eric reported that there are discrepancies between the many databases containing our members such as Golf Genius, AGA, USGA, Chelsea, etc. He has been working with Mick and Ken Steinke on reconciling this and they have made great progress.
He said we currently have 211 full members and 28 handicap only members for a total of 239.
Rick is going with Jim Cook to visit our sponsors.
He would like to receive feedback from members on who has used our sponsors’ services.
Jim reported that the Greens Committee has formed a new subcommittee for Rules & Handicap. The MGA & WGA rules & handicap will be on this new subcommittee along with other Greens Committee members.
They are working on revising some of our local rules.
Mike reported that new scorecards will be coming out soon.
With increased cart traffic due to covid & single rider carts, there is increased wear & tear on the turf. The MGA & WGA need to stress to members the 90 degree cart rule.
There are improvements coming to Ed’s Dogs that will include more parking, an additional entry / exit point, and grab and go items. Golfers will be able to call in from the 8th tee box & place an order to be picked up at the turn.
The meeting was adjourned at 5:00 pm.
Minutes published January 11, 2021
Jeff Pharr, Secretary, SBRMGA
SaddleBrooke Ranch Men’s Golf Association Board Meeting
Ranch House Boardroom
Present: Richard Osterlund – President
Tom Graham – Vice President
Mike Tomaso – Treasurer
Jeff Pharr – Secretary
Mick Borm – Weekly Events
Jim Heywood – Rules & Handicap
Frank Hugus – Communications
Eric Taylor – Membership
Rick Knapp – Community Outreach
Not Present: Harley Schlachter – Special Events
Guest: Mike Jahaske
Richard called the meeting to order at 2:30 pm
Reading of the Minutes and Approval
Richard asked if anyone needed the minutes read from the last Board meeting. Tom Graham made a motion to accept the minutes and Mike Tomaso seconded the motion. The Board unanimously approved the minutes.
- Presidents Report
Richard welcomed the new Board members. He said we still may conduct some meetings via Zoom depending on Covid. He discussed using Golf Genius for sending emails to the membership. Anything that needs to be posted to the SBR MGA website should be sent to Bill Moore. He also encouraged talking up the use of the website with the membership.
There was discussion on the removal of the rules of 75 & 90. They are no longer needed with the ability for everyone to pick what tees they want to play from in the Thursday events. Tom Graham made a motion to remove the rules of 75 & 90 and Rick Knapp seconded the motion. The Board approved the motion.
There was also discussion on the MGA paying the entry fee for the Thursday event on the third Thursday of the month. This would be done to encourage participation. Mick made a motion for the MGA to pay the entry fee for the third Thursday of each month for the foreseeable future. The motion was seconded by Mike & the Board approved the motion.
- Vice Presidents Report
Tom welcomed the new members. He stated that we are not only for the benefit of our members, but for the community as a whole. He offered his assistance to any other Board member that may need some help.
He will be doing the MGA shirts again this year.
- Secretarys Report
Jeff discussed the purchase of a championship belt that would be given to the club champion and passed down from year to year. This would be in addition to the trophy the winner receives. Tom made a motion for the MGA to purchase the belt. Frank seconded the motion & the Board approved the motion.
- Treasurers Report
Mike presented a 2020 & 2021 financial update.
He also reviewed the IRS 501(c7) regulations.
He then presented & reviewed the 2021 budget. Tom made a motion to accept the minutes and Frank seconded the motion. The Board unanimously approved the budget.
- Weekly Events Report
Mick reported that we had a record number of participants in today’s Thursday event.
He also said that the SaddleBrooke MGA has expressed an interest in having some competitions between the clubs. Richard said that an event had been set up between SaddleBrooke HOA I, HOA II, The Views, & SaddleBrooke Ranch for last year. This had to be postponed due to covid, but will be rescheduled when possible. The consensus was that the competitions would be welcome. They would fall under Harley as a special event.
- Communications Report
Frank reported he will be working on getting more articles in the SaddleBrooke Ranch Roundup newspaper. In addition, he may be sending out some newsletters using Golf Genius.
- Membership Report
Eric reported that there are discrepancies between the many databases containing our members such as Golf Genius, AGA, USGA, Chelsea, etc. He has been working with Mick and Ken Steinke on reconciling this and they have made great progress.
He said we currently have 211 full members and 28 handicap only members for a total of 239.
- Community Outreach Report
Rick is going with Jim Cook to visit our sponsors.
He would like to receive feedback from members on who has used our sponsors’ services.
- Rules & Handicap Report
Jim reported that the Greens Committee has formed a new subcommittee for Rules & Handicap. The MGA & WGA rules & handicap will be on this new subcommittee along with other Greens Committee members.
They are working on revising some of our local rules.
- Director of Golf Report
Mike reported that new scorecards will be coming out soon.
With increased cart traffic due to covid & single rider carts, there is increased wear & tear on the turf. The MGA & WGA need to stress to members the 90 degree cart rule.
There are improvements coming to Ed’s Dogs that will include more parking, an additional entry / exit point, and grab and go items. Golfers will be able to call in from the 8th tee box & place an order to be picked up at the turn.
The meeting was adjourned at 5:00 pm.
Minutes published January 11, 2021
Jeff Pharr, Secretary, SBRMGA