SaddleBrooke Ranch Men’s Golf Association Board Meeting
Ranch House Boardroom
Present: Richard Osterlund – President
Tom Graham – Vice President
Jeff Pharr – Secretary
Mick Borm – Weekly Events
Frank Hugus – Communications
Eric Taylor – Membership
Rick Knapp – Community Outreach
Not Present: Mike Tomaso – Treasurer (excused)
Harley Schlachter – Special Events (excused)
Jim Heywood – Rules & Handicap (excused)
Guest: Mike Jahaske
Jeff Silver
I. Opening
Richard called the meeting to order at 1:00 pm
II. Reading of the Minutes and Approval
Richard asked if anyone needed the minutes read from the last Board meeting. The Board unanimously approved the minutes.
III. Presidents Report
Richard brought up purchasing bag tags as member gifts for this year. Much research has been done & quotes obtained. After discussion, the board approved purchasing 350 bag tags from ProTag. This would cover all current members & probably new members over the next couple of years. The bag tags will be similar to the current board member tags without having “Board Member” on them.
Richard announced that we will be returning to 8 am shotgun starts on Thursdays beginning June 3rd.
IV. Vice Presidents Report
Tom reported that there were 160 shirts ordered. There are a few extras that will be offered to new members.
V. Secretary's Report
Jeff gave an update from the Greens Committee & Grounds Subcommittee.
-A new Course Superintendent has been hired. His name is Aaron Thomas and was last at Camelback Golf Club in Scottsdale.
-Sprigging of the greens will begin next week. The front nine & 2 practice greens will be sprigged Wednesday 5/26, and the back nine will be sprigged Tuesday, 6/8.
VI. Treasurers Report
Mike Tomaso submitted his financial report to the board via email prior to the meeting.
VII. Weekly Events Report
Mick gave a report on participation in the weekly events for the year. There was a drop in participation starting in May that is probably due to snowbirds leaving & going to temporary greens. However, we still are getting around 50 players a week.
Mick has also developed a leaderboard that will be published on the MGA website.
Jeff Silver brought up an issue with the tees being used in the weekly events. Members that were playing from the Rust tees this year while on the regular greens, are now being asked to play from the pine tees while on the temporary greens. Some of them are unable to reach the fairways on holes such as 9 & 13. It was discussed & agreed that these members be allowed to play from the pine / rust blended tees while on the temporary greens.
VIII. Communications Report
Frank has posted pictures from the Ryder Cup event on the bulletin board outside the pro shop.
IX. Membership Report
Eric reported that we now have 233 full members. In addition there are 35 people that are paying for handicap only.
X. Community Outreach Report
Rick reported that we have a couple of new sponsors. Les & Leslie Brown realtors, and Dr. Watson, chiropractic. He still has not received payment from a couple of our sponsors.
XI. Rules & Handicap Report
The updated local rules have been approved by the Greens Committee & are now in force.
XII. Director of Golf Report
Mike Jahaske reported that hole 16 will be opened on Monday, 5/24. It will play as a par 3 from temporary tees until the new sod is ready for play.
Mike also reported that they punch cardholders can now use their punch cards for rounds being played on the temporary greens.
The meeting was adjourned at 2:30 pm.
Minutes published May 24, 2021
Jeff Pharr, Secretary, SBRMGA
SaddleBrooke Ranch Men’s Golf Association Board Meeting
Ranch House Boardroom
Present: Richard Osterlund – President
Tom Graham – Vice President
Jeff Pharr – Secretary
Mick Borm – Weekly Events
Frank Hugus – Communications
Eric Taylor – Membership
Rick Knapp – Community Outreach
Not Present: Mike Tomaso – Treasurer (excused)
Harley Schlachter – Special Events (excused)
Jim Heywood – Rules & Handicap (excused)
Guest: Mike Jahaske
Jeff Silver
I. Opening
Richard called the meeting to order at 1:00 pm
II. Reading of the Minutes and Approval
Richard asked if anyone needed the minutes read from the last Board meeting. The Board unanimously approved the minutes.
III. Presidents Report
Richard brought up purchasing bag tags as member gifts for this year. Much research has been done & quotes obtained. After discussion, the board approved purchasing 350 bag tags from ProTag. This would cover all current members & probably new members over the next couple of years. The bag tags will be similar to the current board member tags without having “Board Member” on them.
Richard announced that we will be returning to 8 am shotgun starts on Thursdays beginning June 3rd.
IV. Vice Presidents Report
Tom reported that there were 160 shirts ordered. There are a few extras that will be offered to new members.
V. Secretary's Report
Jeff gave an update from the Greens Committee & Grounds Subcommittee.
-A new Course Superintendent has been hired. His name is Aaron Thomas and was last at Camelback Golf Club in Scottsdale.
-Sprigging of the greens will begin next week. The front nine & 2 practice greens will be sprigged Wednesday 5/26, and the back nine will be sprigged Tuesday, 6/8.
- The temp green on 14 is being moved to the left onto a flatter area. Mowing has been started on the new area & the pin should be moved next week.
- The course is extremely wet right now. Aaron is working on getting the irrigation system dialed in while also trying to get the bermuda grass to grow. This should be improving soon.
- The gate trial seems to be helping. Additional gates are gradually being added.
VI. Treasurers Report
Mike Tomaso submitted his financial report to the board via email prior to the meeting.
VII. Weekly Events Report
Mick gave a report on participation in the weekly events for the year. There was a drop in participation starting in May that is probably due to snowbirds leaving & going to temporary greens. However, we still are getting around 50 players a week.
Mick has also developed a leaderboard that will be published on the MGA website.
Jeff Silver brought up an issue with the tees being used in the weekly events. Members that were playing from the Rust tees this year while on the regular greens, are now being asked to play from the pine tees while on the temporary greens. Some of them are unable to reach the fairways on holes such as 9 & 13. It was discussed & agreed that these members be allowed to play from the pine / rust blended tees while on the temporary greens.
VIII. Communications Report
Frank has posted pictures from the Ryder Cup event on the bulletin board outside the pro shop.
IX. Membership Report
Eric reported that we now have 233 full members. In addition there are 35 people that are paying for handicap only.
X. Community Outreach Report
Rick reported that we have a couple of new sponsors. Les & Leslie Brown realtors, and Dr. Watson, chiropractic. He still has not received payment from a couple of our sponsors.
XI. Rules & Handicap Report
The updated local rules have been approved by the Greens Committee & are now in force.
XII. Director of Golf Report
Mike Jahaske reported that hole 16 will be opened on Monday, 5/24. It will play as a par 3 from temporary tees until the new sod is ready for play.
Mike also reported that they punch cardholders can now use their punch cards for rounds being played on the temporary greens.
The meeting was adjourned at 2:30 pm.
Minutes published May 24, 2021
Jeff Pharr, Secretary, SBRMGA