SaddleBrooke Ranch Men’s Golf Association Board Meeting
Ranch House
Present: Richard Osterlund – President
Tom Graham – Vice President
Mike Tomaso – Treasurer
Jeff Pharr – Secretary
Mick Borm – Weekly Events
Harley Schlachter – Special Events
Jim Heywood – Rules & Handicap
Frank Hugus – Communications
Eric Taylor – Membership
Rick Knapp – Community Outreach
Guest: Mike Jahaske
I. Opening
Richard called the meeting to order at 1:30 pm
II. Reading of the Minutes and Approval
Richard asked if anyone needed the minutes read from the last Board meeting. The Board unanimously approved the minutes.
III. Presidents Report
Richard said the Nominating Committee has found people for the Membership and Rules & Handicap positions. They are still looking for people to fill the Special Events, and Communications positions.
Tom will be sending out an announcement for the upcoming Founders Cup event.
IV. Vice Presidents Report
Tom reported that he is going to have a board contact button added to the MGA web site. This contact will go to one board member who will then distribute it to the appropriate people. He will have the board members’ individual email addresses removed, since this is an unsecured site.
V. Treasurers Report
Mike Tomaso gave a financial update.
Mike also reported that he will have a table set up each day of the club championship to distribute the bag tag & divot tool member gifts as well as the new laminated rules guides. Richard will be sending a note out to the membership telling them to stop by & pick up these items.
VI. Secretarys Report
Jeff gave an update from the Greens Committee & Grounds Subcommittee.
We will be going to a shotgun start on Saturdays.
An outside company will be on site starting this week to fix a few of the cart paths where there is damage.
New sand is being added to the bunkers.
VII. Weekly Events Report
Mick reported that with the reopening of the greens, attendance in the weekly events is back up.
VIII. Special Events Report
The Club Championship will be November 3rd & 4th. There was a lengthy discussion regarding flights, tees, & competing for the championship.
A motion was made as follows:
If you want to compete for the title of Club Champion you must declare your intent, play in the championship flight, and play from the pine tees. In all other flights you will play from the tees you have selected to play from in the weekly events. These flights will be flighted based on your course handicap from those tees. The competition in all flights will be gross.
The motion passed.
There will be a catered luncheon in the ballroom following play on November 4th. The club champion will receive a $100 award in addition to the championship belt & jacket.
IX. Communications Report
Frank had nothing new to report.
X. Membership Report
Eric reported that we now have 253 full members. In addition there are 40 people that are paying for handicap only.
XI. Community Outreach Report
As discussed last meeting, Rick has 2 sponsors for a Hole in One Fund. This sponsorship will start the beginning of next year. In the meantime, the MGA will fund this program for the remainder of the year. Any member that has a hole in one during a Thursday MGA event will receive $200 to help cover their bar tab. This will be paid in the form of a SBR gift card.
XII. Rules & Handicap Report
Jim & Harley recommended suspending the local rule number 4, “Alternative to Stroke & Distance for Lost or Out of Bounds Ball” during the Club Championship & the Founders Cup.
The board approved their recommendation. The player must play a ball under penalty of stroke and distance.
XIII. Director of Golf Report
Mike Jahaske reported that starting in about a month, there will be about a 1 hour later start on Wednesdays & Fridays. This is to allow for the maintenance staff to paint the dormant fairways.
The meeting was adjourned at 3:30 pm.
Minutes published October 17, 2021
Jeff Pharr, Secretary, SBRMGA
SaddleBrooke Ranch Men’s Golf Association Board Meeting
Ranch House
Present: Richard Osterlund – President
Tom Graham – Vice President
Mike Tomaso – Treasurer
Jeff Pharr – Secretary
Mick Borm – Weekly Events
Harley Schlachter – Special Events
Jim Heywood – Rules & Handicap
Frank Hugus – Communications
Eric Taylor – Membership
Rick Knapp – Community Outreach
Guest: Mike Jahaske
I. Opening
Richard called the meeting to order at 1:30 pm
II. Reading of the Minutes and Approval
Richard asked if anyone needed the minutes read from the last Board meeting. The Board unanimously approved the minutes.
III. Presidents Report
Richard said the Nominating Committee has found people for the Membership and Rules & Handicap positions. They are still looking for people to fill the Special Events, and Communications positions.
Tom will be sending out an announcement for the upcoming Founders Cup event.
IV. Vice Presidents Report
Tom reported that he is going to have a board contact button added to the MGA web site. This contact will go to one board member who will then distribute it to the appropriate people. He will have the board members’ individual email addresses removed, since this is an unsecured site.
V. Treasurers Report
Mike Tomaso gave a financial update.
Mike also reported that he will have a table set up each day of the club championship to distribute the bag tag & divot tool member gifts as well as the new laminated rules guides. Richard will be sending a note out to the membership telling them to stop by & pick up these items.
VI. Secretarys Report
Jeff gave an update from the Greens Committee & Grounds Subcommittee.
We will be going to a shotgun start on Saturdays.
An outside company will be on site starting this week to fix a few of the cart paths where there is damage.
New sand is being added to the bunkers.
VII. Weekly Events Report
Mick reported that with the reopening of the greens, attendance in the weekly events is back up.
VIII. Special Events Report
The Club Championship will be November 3rd & 4th. There was a lengthy discussion regarding flights, tees, & competing for the championship.
A motion was made as follows:
If you want to compete for the title of Club Champion you must declare your intent, play in the championship flight, and play from the pine tees. In all other flights you will play from the tees you have selected to play from in the weekly events. These flights will be flighted based on your course handicap from those tees. The competition in all flights will be gross.
The motion passed.
There will be a catered luncheon in the ballroom following play on November 4th. The club champion will receive a $100 award in addition to the championship belt & jacket.
IX. Communications Report
Frank had nothing new to report.
X. Membership Report
Eric reported that we now have 253 full members. In addition there are 40 people that are paying for handicap only.
XI. Community Outreach Report
As discussed last meeting, Rick has 2 sponsors for a Hole in One Fund. This sponsorship will start the beginning of next year. In the meantime, the MGA will fund this program for the remainder of the year. Any member that has a hole in one during a Thursday MGA event will receive $200 to help cover their bar tab. This will be paid in the form of a SBR gift card.
XII. Rules & Handicap Report
Jim & Harley recommended suspending the local rule number 4, “Alternative to Stroke & Distance for Lost or Out of Bounds Ball” during the Club Championship & the Founders Cup.
The board approved their recommendation. The player must play a ball under penalty of stroke and distance.
XIII. Director of Golf Report
Mike Jahaske reported that starting in about a month, there will be about a 1 hour later start on Wednesdays & Fridays. This is to allow for the maintenance staff to paint the dormant fairways.
The meeting was adjourned at 3:30 pm.
Minutes published October 17, 2021
Jeff Pharr, Secretary, SBRMGA